We believe it’s possible to revolutionize
the healthcare industry
by offering truly transformative care.
We will practice the abundant love and healing power of Jesus Christ through evidence-based Functional Medicine and personalized holistic care: caring deeply for your body, soul, and spirit, so that you might align with the truth, and find healing and peace.
We believe that it is time for a change.
90% of disease in our country can be prevented and healed through food and lifestyle changes, and shockingly the third cause of death in our nation is due to complications in our healthcare system.
Currently, only 12% of Americans are metabolically healthy, 1 in 4 people have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and the average age where we begin to experience decline in our physical health is age 27. At this rate, children under the age of 10 are expected to be the first generation that will have a shorter lifespan than their parents.
This is not right, and we believe there is a better way.

We believe that Functional Medicine is the future of medical care.
Where conventional medicine focuses on diagnosis, and treats symptoms with medications, Functional Medicine gets to the root cause to prevent and heal from disease. This holistic care is ideal for those who are looking to heal from disease, prevent disease, and optimize their health. At Re-well, we will apply this evidence based approach to care, as well as coordinated care for your soul + spirit, so that people can experience the abundant life that Jesus intends for us.
We believe that Jesus is our source of healing.
Our bodies were created to heal themselves in remarkable ways, in an environment that addresses the root cause, while caring for the body, soul and spirit. Our goal is for our patients to experience a life of abundance that Jesus offers us, that is rooted in a holistic, transcendent and sustainable peace in body, soul and spirit.

We believe that the Church should lead the way in the renewal and restoration of our healthcare industry.
That is why at Re-well, we partner with churches and organizations to provide this extraordinary care. Jesus’ life was marked by healing, and we believe that it is the mandate of the people of God to bring the Kingdom of God in healing and restoration to every person, and every industry.
We believe that everyone deserves this type of extraordinary care.
We understand that this type of healthcare is considered a luxury. However, we believe that is essential - and that everyone deserves this type of care. Therefore 10% of our profits goes to our scholarship fund so that we can share this healing with those in need.

Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.